Dear Readers Thank you for Following! Please find me at:


Dear “Readers”

You know who you are when I say that I feel that you have become more than readers but… “forever friends” through this excercise of sharing my journals. I have watched those of you read and comment throughout this project and I am forever grateful. I GET how time consuming it is to stick with something like this and I hope to someday figure out a way to pay you all back!

This idea was brought to life by my talented and published author friend Debbie: who has mentored me through it all as she has published one book and in the throws of introducing another! Thank you Deb!!! Whether you want the credit or not! It was very therapeutic and hopefully it has given me some good material for my own book with a whole different twist that I probably wouldn’t have thought of without your suggestion!

writing just hand view

If you have been following me through the 70+ entries I have made here I will never be able to tell you how full my heart is that you faithfully have gone on this daily journey with me, chronicling my journal entries. My purpose for this blog was to allow those who ask…. “Why did you stay?” A peek into the convoluted and raw emotions that someone going through abuse feels. Though the question may be rhetorical and you never expected a response. THIS account is as much of an explanation as I might hope to give. It is not just one thing. It is a bundle of things that cause those of us who have been abused to remain with our abusers and give second chance after second chance. It is not to berate someone for staying but to climb into their situation with them and to help them feel not so alone.

If you are just finding this blog, you might want to go back to the very beginning to find the story of Keri and Jack to understand. It has taken me a little over a half a year to get it written. It is written for all to see how subtley we can lose pieces of ourselves trying to save someone else.

It is also hopefully a wake up call for those who might see themselves still in their own relationships, still giving second chances. My story is not over. My abuser came back years later to find me and ask for forgiveness. I need to still figure out a way to sensitively share that part of my story. It is a crazy web we weave…. in the choices we make. Even later in life. We can excuse our youth as being inexperienced and innocent as we dumbly give our power away. But I was blindsided that this person still had power over me to almost throw away everything I’d built one more time.

Abuse is all relative. We never really get over the past. But we can be empowered by the lessons we learn and even be glad for the mistakes we make if they cause us to grow.

Love you all,



PS: I will return here from time to time to write the poetry I need for my book. When I write it on my other blog. People get confused and think that it is something I am going through NOW. Kind of another reason I created this blog. I needed a place to go to still find the pain and write about it. A place where people who know me here would understand. But to not confuse people in my current blog. So I “WILL” be back to write the poetry that I will include in my book so don’t unfollow me just yet!



quote about moving on

9 thoughts on “Dear Readers Thank you for Following! Please find me at:

  1. Fabulous!! Di, this is a remarkable story and truly educational for many women (and men) out there. Not only is the story beautifully written and spoken from the heart, the lessons are plentiful. I cannot wait to see this and read this again in its entirety as a published book! I am also thrilled and honored that you credit me with following through your story as posted journal entries. I can hardly accept that, as the talent is all you! But I am humbled!
    Wishing you love and happiness my friend. xo


  2. My heart goes out to you, Diane, on what must be very difficult and painful in retracing this journey but I know it’s one you must follow. I applaud you for taking on this challenge and understand the unfolding healing process. You’re onto something powerful and blessed and I wish you all the best along this path. 🙂

    • Thank YOU Pat. That means a lot. I appreciate your faithful following of this. I hope to give a voice to those asked “why did you stay?” To somehow answer that question here. That it’s not just ONE answer. And for those reading who might currently be in a similar situation to become more aware of the power they have and to know they have a choice. Thank YOU my friend♡

      • You’re welcome, Diane. We do have a voice and with that comes our power. I’m glad to see you’re taking full advantage of that. It will help those who are led to it.

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